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October 2022 Sanitation Workers Research Awards 2022- Join us for the announcement

WaterAid/ Sam Vox

October 2022 Sanitation Workers Research Awards 2022- Join us for the announcement

To encourage research on sanitation workers' challenges and rights, the Initiative for Sanitation Workers, and the Water and Health Institute at the UNC are supporting the annual Sanitation Workers Research Awards, which are announced at the UNC Water and Health Conference every year. The 2022 awards will be announced during the 26 October plenary session at 10.30 AM EDT.

Sanitation workers provide an essential public service, but this is often at the cost of their health and dignity, while enduring poor working and living conditions, and employment insecurity. Despite their crucial role in the delivery of sanitation services, their rights to health, safety, and dignity are not given due importance and acknowledgement. There is lack of adequate evidence of their situation and challenges, and ways to support their rights. The role of research is crucial here, and can help develop policies and initiatives to improve the situation for sanitation workers, and protect their rights. 

To encourage research on this subject, The Water Institute at the University of North Carolina, and the Initiative for Sanitation Workers (a joint global advocacy initiative by the International Labour Organisation, WaterAid, the World Bank, the World Health Organisation, and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation) are supporting the Sanitation Workers Research Awards. The awards recognise studies that show excellence, relevance, and impact, and are announced at the UNC Water and Health Conference every year. 

The 2022 Sanitation Workers Research Awards will be announced during the UNC Water and Health Conference plenary session on 26 October 2022, at 10.30 AM EDT at the Grumman auditorium. The session will also be livestreamed for virtual participants- you can register here.

The details of the award winners will be posted on this website soon- stay tuned for more updates! 

Check out the awardees of the 2021 Research Awards here.